pp108 : Fields and Expressions on Query Builder

Fields and Expressions on Query Builder

This topic describes the fields and expressions on the Query Builder.


Type Description
Attributes All the attributes of the selected Process Monitoring Object appear here. You can add these attributes to Select box and validate against the fields selected under Where clause box.
Data type The data type of all the attributes of the selected Process Monitoring Object appear here.
Select Displays the Select clause of the query. This contains a text area where the expressions can be built or typed-in.
Where Displays the Where clause of the query. You can enter data inside this box, only if some data is already entered in the Select box. The content inside this box can be typed-in, or can be filled by adding the field selected to the query box.
Group by This query box displays the Group by clause of the total query.
Having Having clause should go along with the Group by clause.
Validate Query Validates the defined query.
Clear Clears the defined query.


The Expression group contains operators, which are used to frame various conditions for validation.

Arithmetic Operators

Type Description
- Subtracts
* Multiplies
/ Divides
+ Adds
% Shows percentage

Comparison Operators

Type Description
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to
= Equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to

Logical Operators

Type Description
And Connects two
Between Displays relation
In Displays direction
Like Displays similarity
Not Displays negation
Or Displays alternative

Aggregate Functions

Type Description
Sum Displays sum of values
Avg Displays average of values
Count Displays total number or amount
Min Displays minimum value
Max Displays maximum value


Type Description
" Opening quote
Null Void
' Separation
( ) Closing